About me
I am a PhD student at Max-Planck-Institut for Astrophysics working with Prof. Eiichiro Komatsu. I am interested in line intensity mapping, specifically with the Lyman-α emission line. On the observational side, I stacked the Lyman-α intensity around detected galaxies in the HETDEX survey and found extended emission, so-called Lyman-α halos, out to more than 100 kpc. Now I am working on measuring the galaxy-Lyman-α intensity cross-power spectrum with a larger galaxy sample and spectra from HETDEX out to larger scales.
I have also developed the SIMPLE code, which stands for Simple Intensity Map Producer for Line Emission. It can quickly generate intensity maps based on lognormal galaxy simulations in redshift space and simulate observational effects such as limited resolution, masks, and galaxy selection functions.
My publication list can also be found on Inspire (incomplete), ADS, and arXiv .
As first author
As contributing author
I lead several planetarium shows for students to learn about the research at MPA. I also helped organize the Girl's Day at MPA, where high school students can try out currently male-dominated jobs and learn about astrophysics and cosmology at MPA.
I wrote a public science article about my early PhD work on Lyα halos. You can find it here:
English: Galaxies light up hydrogen halos around neighbouring galaxies;
Deutsch: Galaxien beleuchten Wasserstoff-Halos benachbarter Galaxien.